On-hold messaging from On-Hold Technologies is an effective marketing tool that turns dead air into additional opportunity.
When your callers have to be placed on hold, they are a captive audience. Filling those few minutes with a well-crafted message about new products/services, lesser known products/services, or current promotions will educate and motivate your callers, resulting in increased revenues for your business.
On-hold messaging benefits your company by:
- Building credibility
- Improving customer relations
- Increasing sales
- Decreasing the number of callers that hang up
- Reducing frustration while on hold
- Reinforcing ad campaigns
An expertly produced on-hold message will enhance your company’s image and will help you retain call volume.
Research shows that 90% of callers hang up after 30 seconds of silence, and after 70 seconds with just music, but a message that combines custom messages with music will keep callers on the line for 4 minutes, 15 seconds.
Messages-on-hold are effective because you’re passing along information at precisely the right time, when the next person your caller visits with will be a member of your staff.
Sales and Marketing Management Magazine found that…” when placed on hold, 85% of callers preferred to hear messages about the company’s products rather than canned music; and between 15% and 20% of those who hear such messages made purchases as a result.”
This is what our clients have to say:
“Most importantly, new customers hold longer without hanging up, and I no longer feel rushed to hang up with one customer to get to another… your system adds to my company’s credibility and professionalism…”
Kim Black, President
Interstate Express, Inc.
Why choose us?
- On-Hold Technologies has received numerous prestigious awards for marketing excellence and creativity in the on-hold messaging industry. We have built a solid reputation for ethical business practices. In fact, our President and CEO was a founder, a Past President and is currently Chairman of the Ethics Committee of the On-Hold Messaging Association, now known as the Experience Marketing Association.
- For more than 28 years, we have used the best quality digital players available, as well as award-winning professional copywriters and voice talent to produce on-hold messages for nearly every industry.
- Unlike our competitors, we don’t ask you to fill out laborious questionnaires about who you are and what you do. Instead, we take the time to learn as much as possible about your company’s people, products and services. We work with you to develop a comprehensive on-hold marketing campaign that will generate the best results.
- Our involvement doesn’t stop there. Since repeat callers tend to tune out after hearing the same message over and over, we will contact you on a regular basis to make sure your message is kept fresh with a reworded script, a new voiceover and updated music.
Email us or call us at 1(800) 599-8119 to discuss an on hold messaging solution for your business.